Sushovan De :: Apps

I used to write apps for Windows Phone and Windows 8. Unfortunately, due to complexities of following local laws in each region they are published, I am no longer able to maintain these apps, and they have been unpublished. You can find an archive of my apps on my apps website, where you can see screenshots and their functionality.

Car Scar

Awarded national top-10 in the “Big App on Campus” event. This is real-time action-strategy game written in XNA where the player plays against AI to attack an enemy car.
Website »


Featured on Windows Phone marketplace multiple times. A strategy game where the player has to find the smallest possible program to make a robot pick up all items in the map.
Website »

Phoenix Bus Times

Utility to show upcoming public transport times at a glance.
Website »


Utility to save snippets that can be copied to clipboard in one touch.
Website »
Also available on Windows 8 »